Bite-sized biscuits in a glass ramekin on a chopping board

Halloween treats for cats

These delicious pumpkin treats will keep your cat happy and are a perfect way to get them involved in the Halloween celebrations. 

What you’ll need


  • 395g tin of salmon or tuna in water (drained) 
  • 75g of pumpkin puree
  • 45g of oats
  • one egg
  • two tbsp coconut oil (this is high in fat, so it's best to avoid if your cat has a history of pancreatitis)


  • weighing scales
  • a blender
  • tin opener
  • mixing bowl and wooden spoon
  • baking tray


Treats should be given occasionally and alongside a well-balanced diet. These treats aren’t suitable for cats with special dietary requirements. 


  1. Pop your oats into a blender and blend until they look like flour
  2. Drain the tinned fish
  3. Combine the rest of your ingredients in a mixing bowl
  4. Form the mixture into biscuits  create whatever shape you like
  5. Bake for 25-30 mins on 160°c
  6. Cool down and serve

These biscuits will keep for three to four days.


  • Carefully check the ingredients and do not feed if your cat is allergic to any of them.
  • When feeding your cat any new food that is not a part of their usual diet, there's a risk of an upset stomach, so it's best to introduce it slowly in small amounts over a number of days.
  • Feed in moderation. Depending on the size of your cat, you may wish to feed a smaller dinner portion after giving them treats to keep your cat at a healthy weight.


Page details


• 23 November 2022

Next review

• 23 November 2025

Approved by
Róisín Bolger

Veterinary Surgeon MRCVS