Online education resources with Google Classroom
Our virtual lessons are based on the national curriculum and our huge experience in visiting schools around the UK. Browse by your child’s key stage below and download our PDF resources.
Blue Cross has produced short, bite-sized online lessons to help children and young people learn about looking after pets. All curriculum-linked tasks have quizzes and activities to keep the session fun. They're free to join.
All lessons are categorised by age and key stage with an indication of how long it will take, to help you find the most suitable one for your child. You may need to help younger children set up Google Classroom and supervise where necessary.
Below are simple instructions on how to take part. You will need a Gmail account to access Google Classroom, it is easy to set one up if you don’t currently have one.
How to log into Google Classroom
- Log into your Google account
- Click on the Google apps icon which has nine dots. This can be found in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
- Scroll all the way down and click on Google classroom (if the green and yellow Google Classroom icon doesn’t appear select 'more' until visible)
- Click on ‘join class’
- Enter the code for the lesson you'd like to join. You can find lessons and joining codes below in each key stage section. Simply copy and paste the code.
- Enjoy. You can share any extra work or let us know your feedback by emailing [email protected].
Using Google Workspace to access our classrooms?
To make sure you have access to our Google classrooms, the administrator will first need to change the class membership settings in the Google admin console and change the option to “any user”. Please see here for more details. Alternatively you can access all our classrooms by logging into to personal Google accounts instead.
Google Classroom
- Pets – reading and speaking. Lesson code: hwt6qxa (30 mins)
- Pets – science. Lesson code: m3loqav (20 mins)
- History of Blue Cross and animals in war. Lesson code: 6zk7map (40 mins)
- Keeping pets happy. Lesson code: w5jviws (20 mins)
Lesson plans
- Betty's story will help children with their English skills.
- How to have a happy pet will help children learning about science.
Google Classroom
- Pets and our wellbeing. Suitable for ages nine to 11 years. Lesson code: dah6dwd (20 mins)
- First World War and Blue Cross. Suitable for ages seven to 11 years. Lesson code: orqraws (40 mins)
- Second World War and Blue Cross. Suitable for ages seven to 12 years. Lesson code: 5nqhqcu (40 mins)
- Canine Choice. Suitable for ages 10 to 14 years. Lesson code: me26lja (30 mins)
- Responsible dog ownership. Suitable for ages nine to 11 years. Lesson code: fwtiol6 (30 mins)
- Pet care. Suitable for ages seven to 11 years. Lesson code: r3gjpv3 (20 mins)
- Pets: Money management. Suitable for ages seven to 11 years. Lesson code: 3inut4o (30 mins)
- Pets: Reading and poetry. Suitable for ages seven to 11 years. Lesson code: ll4dako (30 mins)
Pet shopping list will help children with their maths skills.
The five welfare needs will help children with both their science and English skills.
Google Classroom
- Canine Choice. Suitable for ages 10 to 14 years. Lesson code: me26lja (30 mins)
- Responsible dog ownership. Suitable for ages 11 to 21 years. Lesson code: npx6zdj (30 mins)
- Pets and our wellbeing. Suitable for ages 11 to 25 years. Lesson code: rvl53it (20 mins)
Google Classroom
- Pets and our wellbeing. Suitable for ages 11 to 25 years. Lesson code: rvl53it (20 mins)
- Responsible dog ownership. Suitable for ages 11 to 21 years. Lesson code: npx6zdj (30 mins)