Rabbit sitting in straw ready for winter

Looking after your rabbit in winter

Rabbits can live both indoors and outdoors, but they will need some protection and extra bedding to keep them warm during the colder weather. That way, you'll help keep your rabbits warm, happy and safe from danger during the cold spells.

1. Shelter them from the elements

Keeping rabbit housing warm in winter is very important. Hutches should be positioned so that wind, rain, snow or sleet can’t blow in.

If your rabbits stay outside, help keep them snug as a bug in their hutch by covering the front with a fitted hutch cover. Or, you could use a thick blanket covered by waterproof tarpaulin. Keep it away from your rabbits though as they might be tempted to chew it. There should still be enough ventilation for them.

2. Keep them dry

Rabbits don't do well in damp conditions. Check their accommodation is clean and dry, particularly when it's damp. If water is getting in you'll need to move their housing or create some additional cover to keep them dry and protected.

3. Keep them warm

Adding extra bedding will mean they keep warm. Use plenty of soft straw in cold weather as it's more insulating than hay. They'll need a constant supply of hay too. And don’t forget you'll need to change their bedding regularly.

You can also use pet safe heat mats such as a SnuggleSafe – these last several hours and will help to keep them warm. Make sure it has the cover on and be sure to bury it under some bedding so that the heat isn't directly on their skin.


Cardboard boxes filled with straw can also be added – cut two entry holes so your rabbits are more likely to use them.

4. Make sure their water does not freeze

Check their water bottle regularly because the little ball freezes easily. Press the ball every few hours to keep it moving. You can get specially made bottle covers but you’ll still need to do regular checks.

5. Feed them a little more hay

Cold rabbits need more calories to keep warm. Give them lots of good quality hay to nibble on.

6. Keep them together

Rabbits are very social. Keeping them in pairs or small groups also means they'll keep each other cosy during the cold weather.

Read more about rabbit companionship.

One white rabbit and one brown rabbit on the grass in a fenced off run

7. Protect your rabbit from predators

During the winter, foxes and badgers get even hungrier which makes them bolder than usual. Make sure your hutch is sturdy enough to survive the attention of a determined predator.

More on caring for your rabbit.

8. Give them use of their run

Your rabbits will still need access to their run so they can get regular exercise. Rabbits need to be able to move around to keep warm. 

As long as your rabbits have lived outside long enough to grow a thick coat, are healthy and their run is attached to their warm and dry housing, your rabbits should still have access to their exercise run. Both during the day and the night. 

Many also seem to enjoy sitting in weather that we would consider rather chilly!

— Page last updated 26/09/2022