Puppy scratching

Hot spots on dogs

  • Hot spots are caused when your pet licks or scratches themselves a lot which makes their skin break
  • They can appear anywhere on your dog's body
  • If you think your dog has a hot spot, book an appointment with your vet

What is a hot spot?

A hot spot, otherwise known as moist dermatitis, is an area of irritation that can be found anywhere on your dog’s body. 

The most common reason hot spots develop is from your pet itching, scratching or licking themselves a lot which makes their skin break. Bacteria builds up on the area and moisture provides the perfect environment for the bacteria to multiply. The moisture can either be from the sore itself or from an external source, like a swimming session. Long hair will tend to make a hot spot worse, especially in hot weather.

How are hot spots treated?

Hot spots generally improve when they are allowed to dry out and your vet will be able to advise you on the best course of action.

This will usually involve one or more of the following:

  • using clippers to shave the hot spot and the surrounding area – this allows air to get to it
  • bathing the hot spot with a medicated shampoo
  • prescribed cream/spray
  • occasionally a course of antibiotics will be prescribed
  • you may be advised to place your dog in an Elizabethan collar (also known as a buster collar or a cone) to stop them from irritating the area by licking, biting and scratching

How can hot spots be prevented?

Itching and scratching is most commonly caused by fleas and allergies.

Regular flea treatment and addressing any allergies your dog may have will help to reduce the likelihood of developing hot spots.

— Page last updated 26/05/2023