Contact us
Find out more about our work, how you can support us and how we can support you by calling our Customer Care team on 0300 790 9903.
If you'd prefer to write, our head office is located at Blue Cross, Shilton Road, Burford, Oxford, OX18 4PF.
Get in touch
If you have any question or enquiry that you can't find an answer to on our site, we'd love to hear from you. Please click on the button below to submit any question and we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible with an answer.
Below you can find the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions. Alternatively, you can get in contact with us through the form at the bottom of this page.
If you'd like to rehome a pet from us then you can see all of our pets that are currently available on this site. Simply click rehome a pet to view the species selector.
If you need to give up your Blue Cross pet, please contact our rehoming admissions team on 0300 790 9903 or by email and we'll put you in touch with our rehoming team who will be able to discuss the options available with you.
Find out more on giving up a pet.
Our four animal hospitals at Grimsby, Victoria, Hammersmith and Merton treat sick and injured pets when their owners can't afford private fees. We’ve also got welfare clinics at some of our rehoming centres. We treat around 30,000 poorly pets every year.
Our veterinary services are available to pets whose owners are on certain means tested benefits. If you fall into this category, you need to check to see if you are in the catchment area for one of our hospitals or clinics.
To see you nearest clinic view our find us page.
We have an out of hours service for emergency cases only at our animal hospitals. Please call us first so we can assess if your pet needs to be treated straight away.
All vets are obliged to make arrangement for out of hours care for emergency cases. If you are registered with another practice, phone your vet first. Our emergency numbers are:
- Victoria, Merton and Hammersmith animal hospitals: please dial 0300 777 1890
- Grimsby animal hospital: please dial 0300 777 1840
At Blue Cross, our aim is to provide excellent customer and supporter service. This means we take complaints extremely seriously and view them as an opportunity to improve. That’s why we are always very grateful to hear from people who take the time to tell us when and where we are falling short of our high standards.
When this happens, we want to hear about it, respond as quickly as possible, take action to resolve the situation, and put measures in place to try to prevent it from happening again.
For more information please read our complaints procedure, from there you can choose how you would like to contact us.
You can set up a new regular gift to Blue Cross here.
To discuss an existing regular gift please email [email protected].
To update your contact details please contact our Customer Care Team, you can do this in the following ways
- By phone: You can call us on 0300 790 9903. Our Customer Care Team will be ready and willing to help. Our phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 10.00am to 4.00pm, excluding bank holidays.
- By email: You can email us at [email protected]
- By post: You can write to us at: Customer Care, Blue Cross, Shilton Road, Burford, OX18 4PF
Note: Please include your name, address and contact telephone number in your email or letter so that we can get back in touch with you easily.
Great! Your time is valuable to us. We have a number of roles currently available across the UK from volunteer dog walking to working at our rehoming centres.
- To find out more about volunteering at Blue Cross and current roles visit our volunteering pages
- If you would like to work for Blue Cross view our current vacant roles
- Any questions please contact [email protected]
Fancy doing a challenge event or hosting a tea party?
View our fundraising activities.
You can find our model cancellation form here.
Learn more about our Whistleblowing policy.
To raise concerns about human safeguarding involving Blue Cross, please contact [email protected].