Kidney disease slice

Kidney failure and disease in dogs

Kidney disease (also known as renal disease) and kidney failure in dogs is relatively uncommon. It’s a serious condition and the outlook is very variable – some dogs deteriorate quickly and others remain well for months or years. 

Treatment options include low-protein diets, medication and fluid therapy. Some dogs recover completely, depending on the cause.

What is kidney disease in dogs?

Many important tasks are carried out by the kidneys when they are functioning normally. The kidneys: 

  • remove toxins from the blood and excrete them from the body in urine
  • regulate blood pressure and blood acidity levels
  • prevent water loss and maintain an overall healthy metabolic balance

Any condition which stops the kidneys working properly is referred to as kidney or renal disease. It can vary greatly in severity. It means damage is in progress but there is still functional tissue left. In kidney failure, the kidneys have stopped working altogether. This is far more serious.

Kidney disease is classified in two ways – acute and chronic.

Acute kidney disease

Acute kidney disease is a complication of another condition (such as kidney stones or cancer), or triggered by the consumption of something toxic. 

In cases of acute kidney disease, symptoms can be severe and can appear rapidly. But depending on the cause, the condition can sometimes be treated and resolved.

Chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an irreversible long-term condition which progresses gradually over time. But, because dogs have more kidney tissue than is essential for day to day function, chronic disease can also appear to start suddenly. This is because symptoms often only show when a lot of damage has already happened. 

Although there is no cure for chronic kidney disease, early treatment can sometimes limit the damage done to the kidneys and slow the progression of the disease. CKD is normally caused by a primary malfunction of the kidneys and not another illness or toxicity. But acute kidney failure can sometimes develop into a chronic form of the condition.

What causes kidney disease in dogs?

There are many different causes of kidney disease in dogs.

  • Certain breeds are more susceptible to the condition and it can often be genetic
  • Age has an impact on renal functionality
  • Environmental factors (such as chemicals, toxic foods, infections and medications) can damage the organs
  • Kidney problems in dogs can also be caused by illnesses such as cancer. They can also be affected by chronic inflammatory conditions such as dental disease.

What are the symptoms of kidney disease in dogs?

Symptoms of kidney disease in dogs can vary dramatically between cases. This is because the kidneys are responsible for so many functions within the body. 

Symptoms can appear suddenly or steadily, and can include any of the following:

  • Drinking excessively and urinating more frequently
  • Soiling in the home due to the larger volumes of urine
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Pale gums (caused by anaemia)
  • Ulcers in the mouth
  • Overall weakness or dullness
  • Sudden blindness due to high blood pressure
  • Fragile bones


Many of the above symptoms can be caused by other conditions which are less serious. But if symptoms do arise, it’s important to take your dog to see the vet as soon as possible. Early treatment is vital if kidney disease is detected.

How is kidney disease in dogs diagnosed?

Blood and urine samples are normally the first tests done to diagnose renal failure in dogs. This is because both can show abnormalities linked to the condition. It can often take a lot of kidney damage before routine tests can show traces of the disease. But newer tests are now appearing which offer the chance of earlier detection. 

Elevated blood pressure is often found in dogs with chronic kidney disease. This is also a useful indicator, although there are a number of other causes of high blood pressure.

Ultrasound or X-rays may be used so that your vet can take a look at your dog’s kidneys. The organs can often change in size and appearance when a pet is suffering from kidney failure.

Once a dog is diagnosed with kidney disease, your vet may assess their blood to judge the stage of the condition. This helps to determine treatment. It goes from stage I, where pets show evidence of disease but no change in kidney function, to stage IV, where the condition is making the dog unwell.

How is kidney disease in dogs treated?

Treatment will depend on how advanced your dog’s kidney disease is, but can include:


An appropriate diet is vital in managing kidney disease. A diet specially formulated or tailored for kidney disease (such as those low in protein, phosphorus, calcium and sodium but high in omega 3 fatty acids) can help your dog. But recommended changes in diet will depend on the stage of kidney disease in your dog, so you’ll need advice from your vet before making any adjustments. 

Unfortunately, the lower protein in diets for kidney disease can often make food unappealing to dogs. It’s important to ensure your pet continues to eat to support their quality of life, so adjustments may need to be made (with your vet's advice) if they're not eating. Keeping your dog well hydrated is also crucial, so always ensure they have a supply of clean water. It’s best to have lots of water bowls in different locations.


As kidney disease can affect so many different bodily functions, a huge variety of medications are available to treat each dog’s symptoms (from eye problems to sickness). 

Supplements can also be used to replace vital vitamins lost in kidney disease patients. Phosphorus binders and vitamin D supplements can be used to try to reduce some of the secondary effects of kidney disease by improving calcium and phosphorus balance. 

Medications can vary depending on the stage of the condition and the symptoms your dog is showing. Always ask your vet for advice on your dog's condition, as the wrong supplement can be harmful.

Fluid therapy

To help reduce dehydration resulting from renal disease and kidney failure, fluid therapy can be used to replace depleted body fluid levels and help the kidneys flush out the toxins in the body. This can be given through an intravenous drip or subcutaneously (injected under the skin).

Kidney dialysis

There may be other treatment options available such as kidney dialysis. But this is a rare treatment in which not all dogs respond. It's not appropriate for all kidney disease patients, such as those with chronic kidney disease. 

It's a hard conversation to have, but it may be kinder to consider your dog's quality of life if they are not responding to the treatments provided at home.


Kidney dialysis is not common practice as it is only offered at a small number of specialist centres, and can be very expensive. Each session can be very intense for your dog, lasting for many hours. Around three sessions will be needed every week and it will never cure the condition.

Can kidney disease in dogs be prevented?

As kidney disease can be inherited, responsible breeding can play a role in preventing the chronic form of the disease. 

Many acute cases of the condition can also be prevented by keeping pets away from toxic substances like antifreeze and rat poisons, as well as certain foods including raisins, grapes and some plants. The infectious disease, leptospirosis, can cause kidney disease so it's important to keep vaccinations up to date.

A balanced, species-appropriate diet will also supply your pet with the fundamental nutrients needed for their body. This will give your dog the best chance of staying healthy. Perform regular health checks on your dog at home and contact your vet quickly if your pet seems unwell, is drinking more or losing weight. Always take them to your vet for an annual health check to ensure any signs of disease can be spotted as soon as possible.

What is the prognosis for dogs with kidney disease?

The prognosis for your dog depends on the severity of the disease and the underlying cause. Your vet will also consider how quickly the kidney damage is occurring, but this may take time to observe.

It's important to consider the wellbeing and happiness of your dog. Some pets stay well for a couple of years, or longer. Others can be unwell and deteriorate rapidly. If the treatment is no longer effective, or your dog's quality of life reduces, it may be time to consider putting them to sleep.

Page details


• 5 August 2024

Next review

• 5 August 2027

Approved by
Runa Hanaghan

Veterinary Surgeon MRCVS