Bland diet for dogs and cats
It's not uncommon for your dog, and sometimes cat, to have an upset stomach. When this happens, speak to your vet who may recommend monitoring your pet and putting them on a bland diet.
What is a bland diet?
A bland diet is a temporary feeding plan that consists of foods that are easy to digest and low in fat and fibre.
It will help your dog or cat's digestive system recover from issues like vomiting and diarrhoea. Most dogs and cats will recover from an upset stomach within a few days.
Make sure that both dogs and cats always have plenty of water available. Smaller portions of food more frequently will also help make sure their digestive system is not overloaded.
What can I feed my dog on a bland diet?
This should consist of around 50 per cent protein, like boiled chicken, and 50 per cent carbohydrate, like boiled rice. The most common foods on a bland diet are:
- boiled, skinless chicken or turkey (white meat like breast)
- poached white fish fillet
- scrambled eggs
- low-fat cottage cheese
- white or brown rice (ensure it's soft and fluffy)
- pasta or boiled potatoes
Avoid cooking with any oils or fats, salt and flavourings. Make sure food has cooled down.
You can also feed them the boiled chicken water once it has cooled down to keep them hydrated and encourage them to drink.
What can I feed my cat on a bland diet?
Cats need a meat based diet so do not need carbohydrate in their bland diet. If you've been told to put your cat on a bland diet, the most common foods are:
- poached white fish without the skin or bones (from fresh or frozen)
- boiled, skinless chicken or turkey (white meat like breast)
How long should I feed my pet a bland diet?
You should always speak to your vet if you're putting your pet on a bland diet for more than a few days. They will be able to tell you how long a bland diet will help your pet based on their symptoms. But it should not be a long term solution as prolonged stomach issues might be a sign of a health problem or intolerance.
Both dogs and cats need a 'complete' pet food to ensure they get the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Although foods such as rice and chicken can help ease an upset stomach, you will always need to transition them back to a regular pet food.
What happens if they do not get better?
If your pet is not getting better or not taking any interest in the bland diet, speak to your vet. They may be able to offer advice or may want to see them to examine them or carry out tests.
How should I reintroduce my pet's normal food?
Once your pet has recovered, begin mixing in their usual pet food with the bland food you have been giving them. Start with half and half until they no longer have any of the bland diet foods. Always make sure your pet has plenty of water available.
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• 18 August 2023
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• 18 August 2026