White and tan lurcher called Lilly standing in her kitchen taking a treat from her owner

What fruit and vegetables can dogs eat?

Dogs, like humans, are omnivores, meaning they can eat both meat and fruit and vegetables.

Some fruits and vegetables such as grapes are poisonous to dogs, so it's important to get to know which are safe for your dog to eat.

While some fruits and veg are safe for your dog, they should only be fed as an occasional treat, alongside a balanced diet.

Fruits and vegetables poisonous to dogs

There are some fruits and vegetables that should always be avoided when feeding your dog:

  • wild mushrooms, toadstools or fungi – button or white mushrooms should always be cooked
  • onions, leeks, chives and garlic
  • grapes and raisins
  • tomato leaves, stems or unripe young tomatoes
  • green potatoes, potato leaves and stems

Find out what to do if your dog has been poisoned with our advice on foods poisonous to dogs.

Fruits that dogs can eat

Can dogs eat apples?

Yes, apples are a fantastic addition to your dog’s diet. They provide vitamin A, vitamin C and dietary fibre. They also provide a way to keep your dog’s teeth clean and can help freshen their breath. But before you feed apples to your dog, always remove the core and the seeds.

The seeds contain a low amount of a toxin called cyanide, which gets released when chewed. While it's important to be cautious with apple seeds, swallowing a couple of pips is unlikely to cause problems.


Dogs can eat strawberries and most dogs enjoy them. They are a great source of vitamin C, potassium and manganese – all of which play vital roles in supporting your dog’s immune system.


Dogs can eat oranges, but they are high in sugar and should be fed in moderation. You should also avoid feeding the orange peel as this can upset your dog's stomach.

Oranges provide a source of vitamin C, which is great for your dog’s health and helps to fight off any toxic substances in your dog’s digestive system.


Dogs can safely eat tomatoes, but they cannot eat the leaves, stems or young, green tomatoes. This is because they contain a toxin called solanine, which can be poisonous if eaten in large amounts.

If your dog does consume these parts of a tomato, monitor them carefully for signs of poisoning.


While fruit and vegetables are a good source of vitamins, minerals and fibre, they should only make up a small amount of your dog’s daily diet. If you are unsure about how many fruits and vegetables your dog should eat, speak to your vet.

Grapes X
Raisins X
Sweet potatoX 
Green beansX 
Potatoes X 
Onions X
Garlic X
Leeks X

Vegetables that dogs can eat


Green peas are a completely safe and delicious addition to your dog’s meals. They are rich in protein, vitamins A, B1, B6, C and K, minerals and dietary fibre.

They are also easy to feed to your dog, as they can be eaten frozen or steamed.

Sweet potato

These root vegetables produce one of the best dietary sources of vitamin A, which can help to support your dog's immune system. They are also rich in fibre, which helps their digestive system, and they contain essential nutrients such as vitamin C and B6, potassium, calcium and iron.

You can include sweet potatoes in your dog’s diet in small amounts (boiled or steamed).


Green beans are safe to feed to your dog, but because they are high in fibre, they can cause flatulence (gas) to build up in your dog's tummy. Green beans are more digestible if they are fed cooked.

Uncooked dried beans, such as kidney beans, are just as toxic to dogs as they are to people and should be avoided.


Carrots make a great snack and are a natural dental stick for your dog to chew on. They are high in fibre and low in calories, making them a perfect treat.


All varieties of cabbage are not only tasty to your dog, they are also very healthy. Cabbage helps your dog’s digestive system and is good for their skin.

It can cause flatulence (gas) in dogs, so remember to feed cabbage in small amounts, and introduce it into their diet slowly.


Cooked potatoes are fine to feed your dog. A simple baked potato works best, as potatoes cooked in oil will add calories to your dog's diet.

Raw potatoes, or potato with green skin, should be avoided, as they contain a toxin called solanine, which can cause an upset tummy.

Can dogs eat nuts?

While giving your dog a tea spoon of peanut butter (with no xylitol) as a treat is completely fine, feeding your dog nuts is not advisable. Macadamia nuts in particular are highly toxic to dogs.

Nut shells can irritate your dog’s digestive tract, and swallowing whole nuts in their shell could cause a blockage in their tummy. Most nuts are also packaged with salt which can make your dog very unwell.

Page details


• 27 February 2024

Next review

• 27 February 2027

Approved by
Anna Ewers Clark

Veterinary Surgeon MRCVS