Terms and conditions for our animal hospitals

Address: Coco Markus House, Nelson Street, Grimsby, DN32 7SH

Telephone: 0300 777 1840

Out of hours

  • Monday to Friday, 7pm – 9am
  • Saturday, from 5pm
  • Sunday and bank holidays, at any time


If you have an emergency outside of our routine opening hours, please call us. First aid help and advice will be provided over the phone, while we arrange an appointment if needed.

The cost of emergency treatment varies, depending on which of our services your pets are registered for.

Address: Sheppard House, 1 Hugh St, Pimlico, London, SW1V 1QQ 

Telephone: 0300 777 1890

Opening times

  • Monday, 9am – 5pm 
  • Tuesday, 9am – 7pm 
  • Wednesday, 9am – 5pm 
  • Thursday, 9am – 7pm
  • Friday, 9am – 5pm

If you have an emergency outside of our routine opening hours, please call 0300 777 1890. First aid help and advice will be provided over the phone, while we arrange an appointment if needed.

Out of hours

  • Monday to Friday, 7pm – 9am
  • Saturday, from 5pm
  • Sunday and bank holidays, at any time

The cost of emergency treatment varies, depending on which of our services your pets are registered for.

Address: Blue Cross Merton, 88-92 Merton High St, London, SW19 1BD

Telephone: 0300 777 1890

Opening times

  • Monday, 9am – 7pm
  • Tuesday, 9am – 5pm
  • Wednesday, 9am – 7pm
  • Thursday, 9am – 5pm
  • Friday, 9am – 5pm

If you have an emergency outside of our routine opening hours, please call Victoria animal hospital on 0300 777 1890. First aid help and advice will be provided over the phone, while we arrange an appointment if needed.

Out of hours

  • Monday to Friday, 7pm – 9am
  • Saturday, from 5pm
  • Sunday and bank holidays, at any time

The cost of emergency treatment varies, depending on which of our services your pets are registered for.

Address: Argyle Pl, King St, London, W6 0RQ

Telephone: 0300 777 1890

Opening times

  • Monday, 9am – 5pm
  • Tuesday, 9am – 5pm
  • Wednesday, 9am – 5pm
  • Thursday, 9am – 5pm
  • Friday, 9am – 5pm

If you have an emergency outside of our routine opening hours, please call Victoria animal hospital on 0300 777 1890. First aid help and advice will be provided over the phone, while we arrange an appointment if needed.

Out of hours

  • Monday to Friday, 7pm – 9am
  • Saturday, from 5pm
  • Sunday and bank holidays, at any time

The cost of emergency treatment varies, depending on which of our services your pets are registered for.

Terms and conditions

Our service and eligibility

Our veterinary support is available for pets living with owners that are eligible for our service. Owners must be in receipt of certain means tested benefits and live within the catchment area of one of our animal hospitals. The level of discount we offer will change based on the benefits you receive. We provide treatment for cats, dogs, small caged birds and small pets (such as rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters etc).

Discount levels

If you are eligible for Band A, we will fund veterinary treatment for two of your pets (exclusions may apply). You will be asked to pay a consultation fee to access this treatment. Should you have other pets you wish to bring to us for veterinary treatment, you may be able to access Band B.

If you are eligible for Band B, we will aim to offer you veterinary treatment at a discounted rate for any pets that are registered and live in your household.  

Every time your pet receives treatment, we will ask you to contribute as much towards their treatment as you are able.

We offer both telephone and face to face appointments. When making your appointment we will discuss the needs of your pet and the type of appointment suitable.

Preventive care

Preventive care is very important as it can help protect your pet against deadly diseases and keep them healthy over the long term. This includes neutering, vaccinations, microchipping and flea and worm treatments. We do not fund this treatment but provide it at an affordable cost.


Each time you register we will ask for proof that you are the registered owner of the pet(s) you are registering and that you are still eligible for our services. If we are not satisfied with the proof provided, or during your registration term believe your circumstances have changed we reserve the right to refuse/cancel your registration. Your registration will last 12 months, to complete registration you will be required to pay the current administration fee.

Nominating your Band A pet(s)

If you are eligible for Band A, you have the option to update which pet(s) have access to this level of discount each time you register.

Scope of service

The veterinary service we offer is focused on your pet’s welfare and keeping them free from pain. Our resources are limited, and you may find we do not offer the same range of options as private practice. We will discuss all options with you and if you wish to pursue a treatment option which we are not offering, we can refer you to a private or specialist referral practice of your choice. The cost of any referral treatment and aftercare will be your own responsibility.

Appointments and consults

Consults are by appointment only. Please arrive on time for your appointment, late arrivals can cause delays to other clients and could result in your appointment being cancelled. Please ensure that you, the registered owner attend all appointments with your pets where possible. If this is not possible on a short or long term basis, please speak to a member of our team.

If you have multiple problems to discuss, we may not have time to address all of them in a single appointment. Please start with the most important problem.

Veterinary students may participate in the treatment of your pet, under the supervision of a Veterinary Surgeon. Please tell us if you do not wish them to be involved in treating your pet.

Treatment estimates

During your consult we will discuss treatment options available to your pet and the estimated costs. We will provide you with an accurate estimate to agree to before treatment starts. If there are changes to the cost once treatment has started, we will make all reasonable attempts to contact you to discuss further.

Paying your bill

All pre planned surgeries and procedures require full payment before treatment starts. If full payment is not made and treatment can be safely delayed, we will reschedule the procedure.

Failure to pay your bill will result in the withdrawal of our veterinary services.

Changing vets

If your pet has been seen by another vet, please let a member of our team know. If you wish to move to another veterinary practice or are seeking a second opinion and need a copy of your pet’s clinical records, please ask a member of our team who can provide these to you or your new practice. Please be aware any charges incurred while seeking a second opinion, will be your own responsibility.


If your pet’s treatment is being covered by an animal health insurance policy, it is your responsibility to pay your Blue Cross bill in full and reclaim the sum from your insurance provider.

Our prices

Blue Cross reserve the right to change our prices, discounts and subsidies at any time without prior notice.


We do not support animal breeding and encourage the neutering of pets. We do not fund this treatment but provide it at an affordable cost. We may withdraw our veterinary services if we see evidence of repeated breeding. If you choose to bring pets which require treatment for breeding related conditions, this may result in the withdrawal of our veterinary services.

Waiting room safety

When visiting our animal hospital with your pet, please ensure that your pets are suitably restrained in baskets or on leads and always kept close to you. Children should always be supervised and should not be allowed to approach other people’s pets.

Photos and videos

Blue Cross supports students with their training in veterinary practices and as part of that training students are required, from time to time, to do case studies of animals in Blue Cross care. This includes taking photos of animals and noting how they were helped in the hospitals. We will seek your consent before taking photographs of your pets. We do not allow filming or recording within our hospital premises without prior, written permission.

Complaints and feedback

If you have a complaint about any part of the service you have received, we would like to know. You can submit feedback using the client surveys which are sent regularly following treatment or you can contact us at [email protected].

Withdrawal of services

Blue Cross reserves the right to withdraw or change its services at any time.

Changes to terms and conditions

We may from time to time change our terms and conditions without giving you notice but we will use our reasonable endeavours to inform you as soon as is reasonably possible.

Unacceptable behaviour

We reserve the right to withdraw our services if you or an associate of yours are in any way aggressive, rude or act antisocially with any Blue Cross staff, volunteers, other clients or members of the public.

Your personal information

We’ll only use your personal information as set out in our privacy policy.

— Page last updated 21/11/2024