Young boy at fundraising stall putting money into the tin

Fundraising in your community

Download your free fundraising pack or get in touch with one of our Regional Fundraisers for help planning your fundraising activity.

Download our fundraising pack by filling out the form below. For more support, get in touch with one of our Regional Fundraisers.

Download your free fundraising pack

How our team can help you fundraise for Blue Cross

Your local Regional Fundraiser is here to help and support you by:

  • sharing volunteering opportunities in your community
  • letting you know how to join our fun and friendly fundraising groups
  • supporting your individual fundraising activities
  • assisting if you're a local organisation wanting to support Blue Cross and the vital work that we do helping pets and people

Meet our Regional Fundraiser in your area

Covered area (north and midlands)

  • Thirsk, Grimsby, Sheffield, Manchester, Rolleston, Bromsgrove

Becky Smith

Brown haired woman smiling
Becky Smith

Hi, my name is Becky. I'm your Regional Fundraiser in the north of England. I love everything about community fundraising and in my spare time I volunteer not only for Blue Cross but for other local rescues around where I live, fostering pets from dogs and cats, to hamsters. 

There is so much happening within the community hubs in the north and I would love to talk with you more if you are interested in supporting any of our sites through organising your own fundraising activity, supporting us at one of our events or joining one of our community fundraising groups.

Email Becky

Events happening in these areas

There are no events currently scheduled. Please check back again soon. 

Covered area (south and Wales)

  • Burford, Newport, Southampton, Hertfordshire, Devon, London

Angie Davies

Brown haired woman with her chin leaning on the palm of her hand
Angie Davies

Hi, my name is Angie. I'm your Regional Fundraiser in the south of England and Wales. I love everything about community fundraising and in my spare time I enjoy going on long walks. When I come home, I'm always greeted by my cat, Max, who wants as many cuddles from me as possible. 

If you're interested in supporting any of our community sites in Wales or the south of England, whether through organising your own fundraising activity, supporting us at one of our events or joining one of our community fundraising groups, I'd love to talk with you more.

Email Angie

Events happening in the south

There are no events currently scheduled. Please check back again soon.