Introducing your kitten

Introducing your kitten to cats, dogs and children

First impressions count, and getting relationships between your kitten and the people and other pets they will live with off on the right foot – or paw! – will make for a harmonious household.

Introducing your kitten to your children

Young boy playing with kitten on sofa

Kittens can be a wonderful playmate and confidant for children. Our advice will help parents of children of any age introduce your new cat to your family.

Two cats lying on the bed

Introducing your kitten to your cat

Cats have a complex social structure and introductions between new and existing felines in the household need to be slow and steady. Read our full cat meet cat advice here.

Introducing your kitten to your dog

Dog lying down on grass with cat

Cinematic mortal enemies, but often happy to co-exist in reality, your kit and dog will get along just fine with the right introductions. Read how to introduce cats and dogs here.

— Page last updated 28/02/2022