Dog Kadie looking into camera

Enter a virtual dog show in aid of Blue Cross


Does your dog have the dreamiest eyes? If so, you could be in with a chance of winning the virtual dog show Bark Aid.

Woman cuddling shiba inu with red background

With normal dog shows off the cards for the time being, this virtual charity version is calling on proud owners to upload photos of their beloved pet to enter.

Each category will raise funds for a different animal charity to help them during this unprecedented time, with Blue Cross benefiting from all 'dreamiest eyes' entries.

Entries cost just £1.50 and every penny from the category dedicated to Blue Cross will go to helping pets in need.

Click here to enter.

The closing date is 23rd April. Good Luck!

Top tip! Read our how to guide on capturing your pet's best side in photographs.

— Page last updated 17/12/2021