Pet loss
Share your pet loss with people who understand.
Grieving for the loss of a pet, whether through death, parting or enforced separation, can be a sad and difficult experience. Life once filled with the love and friendship of a pet, may suddenly seem very empty and feelings of deep sadness and loneliness are not uncommon. We also offer emotional support to assistance dog users.
Sometimes it helps to share these feelings with someone who knows from personal experience how distressing pet loss can be, and who will listen with compassion and without judgement. Our Pet Loss Support service is able to help you through this traumatic time.
Contact Pet Loss Support on 0800 096 6606 (UK only including northern Ireland). The support line is open from 8.30am-8.30pm every day and all calls are free and confidential*. Alternatively you can email Pet Loss Support on [email protected]. When calling we can assist with other languages by using LanguageLine.
*if we think you or someone else could be at risk of harm information may be passed on to other relevant authorities.
Horse end-of-life
It is a sad truth that anyone who intends to keep their horse forever will have to face the end of its life at some stage.
With you every step of the way
Even those with a youngster, a horse on loan or one which they plan to rehome in the future should be aware of end-of-life options because illness or accidents can happen at any time and at any age.
Find out how we can help you plan for the future.
Become a Pet Loss Support volunteer
Pet Loss Support offers confidential support, understanding and practical information for pet owners and others in contact with animals through its telephone and email support line service. Dedicated and trained volunteers across the UK offer their time on the support line every day of the year to help pet owners through their loss. If you are interested in becoming a support line volunteer do get in touch for more information.
The service is run by Blue Cross. To maintain its high standards Pet Loss Support is a member of The Helplines Partnership.
Would you like to share your pet loss story?
If you have contacted Pet Loss Support in the past and our service has helped you, we would really like to hear from you. Your experience could really help to encourage others to contact us and will help us develop our service in a number of ways.
If you would like to share your story, please contact us.
Join our Facebook support community
Find support from people who have been through pet loss on our pet loss support community on Facebook.
The private group is moderated by our expert team. Click 'join group' to post and read the discussions.