Bumble sitting in a chair behind a desk at Blue Cross Tiverton

Returning to work and your dog

Many of us are heading back to work after over a year of working from home. While we learn to adjust back into an old routine, our dogs may need a little extra help.

So, here are some things you'll need to think about before heading back to the office. Or, if you're lucky enough to be taking your dog to the office with you, we've got some great advice on how to prepare them for work life.

Preparation is key

Prevention is better than cure. And, when it comes to separation anxiety, it's better to train your dog now to stop any separation related issues like chewing, barking and stress in dogs.

You'll need to think about:

Who will look after your dog while you're at work?

Dogs are social animals and love being around their family. They don't do well being left for more than four to five hours at a time. So you'll need to think about who will look after them for you while you're back in work.

This is a personal choice and will be down to how much you can afford and the personality of your dog. 

Options include:

Worried about cost? Here's some guidance on how to manage your pet care costs.

What if your dog is coming with you to the office?

Great! Dogs love human company and, as long as they're well behaved and don't mind the commute, this is a great way to keep them with you.

We have some great guidance on how to bring your dog to work with you.

There are also some things you'll need to get your dog used to and some points on general care and safety.



What can you do to keep them entertained?

Whether they're at home alone or with you in the office, dogs need to keep busy. You might want to think about:

— Page last updated 26/09/2022